Contact a bank and bring the following documents to update the mobile phone number user to match your mobile banking account name at a bank.
1.A certification document from the company specifying:
2. AIS invoice or AIS receipt with the employee’s name on it
*All documents must be certified as true copies by an authorized signatory of the company, with the company seal (if any) at the end of the signature.
Note: For foreign customers using a passport, please enter the passport number you used to register for Mobile Banking.
*Upload important documents to the website
1. Copy of National ID Card or other government-issued ID Card with photo ID and National ID number, or copy of Passport with copy of Work Permit from Ministry of Labour not more than 1 year validity, of person authorized to sign on the company’s behalf
2. Copy of document giving Power of Attorney (if any)
3. Labour not more than 1 year validity, of person granted Power of Attorney (if any)
1.If you want to use the same phone number registered under a corporate name and have mobile banking services Please contact a bank and bring the following documents to update the mobile phone number user to match your mobile banking account name at a bank.
1.A certification document from the company specifying:
2.AIS invoice or AIS receipt with the employee’s name on it
**All documents must be certified as true copies by an authorized signatory of the company, with the company seal (if any) at the end of the signature. **
2. If you cannot use the phone number registered under the previous corporate name and need to change the mobile phone number to match the name registered with the mobile banking account, you can contact a bank to update a new mobile phone number that matches the mobile banking account name.
In compliance with the government’s cyber crime prevention measures to enhance the security of mobile banking usage, For AIS Enterprise and foreign customers registered under company’s or organization’s name, AIS provides convenience by allowing an authorized person of a company or an organization can add and update the name of mobile phone number user to match the registered banking account through AIS eBusiness Portal (only for those who have received notifications through the banking app).
In the case where the mobile phone number is registered under the name of a legal entity and is used by an employee within the organization. For example, a corporate customer registered under the name "Advanced Wireless Network Co., Ltd." but the mobile phone number is registered under the name of a legal entity and is used by an employee within the organization "Ms. Ounjai Jaioun" the mobile phone user must be updated to match the Mobile Banking account.
The steps for the organization's administrator are as follows:
Note: For foreign customers using a passport, please enter the passport number you used to register for Mobile Banking.
If you have not registered for the AIS eBusiness Portal service, the company/organization administrator can register via AIS eBusiness Portal. Then, follow the steps to add the information of the mobile phone number user registered under the name of company/organization.
The government agency will send the information back to AIS for verification of the data entered by the customer in AIS eBusiness Portal after April 30, 2025.
You can add, remove, or edit user information through AIS eBusiness Portal until April 30, 2025
To query information to check the details updated in AIS eBusiness Portal:
1. Go to Services > Menu “Manage Employee Information”
2. Enter mobile phone number information and click Search.
3. If you need to edit the number, please update the information and then click "Add Number" button.
4. If you have uploaded by using an Excel file, please update the information and upload again.
It is recommended to contact the bank where you use Mobile Banking services.
Only for those who have received notifications through the banking app, the process must be completed by April 30, 2025. Failure to comply may result in the suspension of mobile banking services.
Please contact the bank to request changing the mobile phone number used for Mobile Banking to another number, where the registered name is the same as the bank account owner's name.
The mobile user can contact the company/organization administrator to add the information of the mobile number holder registered under the name of company/organization via AIS eBusiness Portal service.
For customers who have not yet received notifications, you can proceed in advance to be prepared for the next announcement.
If the change is made to match the mobile banking account name, those privileges will remain intact.