Explore the Success of Startup Monthly Pitching
With a variety of supports from AIS The StartUp

22 มิ.ย. 2565

For more than 10 years, AIS The StartUp has walked alongside startups in Thailand, starting from AIS Startup Weekend event in 2011, following by big annual event during 2013-2015, and now turning to AIS The StartUp Monthly Pitching Many startup businesses have joined AIS as business partners , which each them has received many benefits that helps to expand their business, opening opportunity for their Growth & Scale.

10 benefits from AIS The StartUp that support Thai startups to soar to success

01 Opportunities for business growth into the domestic market

“Portfolio” Startups with AIS The StartUp will be able to work with large organizations like AIS through the use of products and services in the organization, including forwarding to AIS customers to increase opportunities and expand the user base for startup businesses, divided into 3 groups:

  • Revenue Impact
  • Productivity Impact
  • Customer Experience

02 Access the global market/with professional advisor like Singtel INNOV8

Extend products and services to reach the global market with the collaboration of Singapore-based telecom giant “Singtel” and their Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) subsidiary “Singtel Innov8”, which has a network in more than 10 countries and over 750 million customers, enabling startups to grow in the international market.

03 Get AIS services at a special price

Best value for startups, with AIS Solution services at a special price. Whether it's SMS and OTP, Payment Gateway, both Face-to-face and Online, as well as AIS Business Cloud services: AIS Data Center, AIS We Cloud, AIS mForm.

04 Free calls/mobile internet service

Startups can choose to receive services from AIS for free! Whichever way they are convenient, they can choose either “ON-TOP” or “free calls” or “free internet”.

05 Access to AIS DC with annual membership

AIS DC is a collaboration between AIS and Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC) which established the Creative Learning Center including the Co-Working Space for the new generation and welcome start-up teams from AIS The StartUp to use the space to create ideas, expand ideas to the fullest.

Agnos, one of the startups supported by AIS The StartUp, said during joining the AIS-Singtel Group Future Makers program that: “ Getting an opportunity from the Future Maker by AIS and the Singtel Group, a multinational telecommunication service provider, which comes in the form of technology support, marketing, and understanding and reaching customers, including budget, will definitely make this goal happen in a concrete way. ” – Dr. Paphonwit Chaiwatanodom, CEO of Agnos health Read more: https://bit.ly/3wEnvUQ

Mr. Moshi - Suthikiat Chantarachairot, CEO of SHIPPOP, told us that: “Joining the Monthly Pitching Program” has gained great value, from business idea, business connection, expanding customer base, to ‘Pitching Canva’ that has been in use since day one, including a cool Co-Working Space to use as well.” Read more: https://bit.ly/3sRXbFE https://bit.ly/3sRXbFE

06 Eligible to connect to AIS SIMULATIONS APLs

No matter what type of startup you are, you should be familiar with APL or Application Programming Interface. Therefore, in order to develop a better platform of products and services Startups will be eligible to connect to the AIS SIMULATIONS APIs to test virtually any of these methods.

  • API Point
  • API Privilege
  • API Payment
  • API Identification
  • API Notification

07 Various marketing supports

Every partner team will get all-round marketing support such as exhibition booth, abroad trips and attending business presentations. There’s also support through other marketing channels as well, such as Website, Facebook, Line Official, including Internal Communication.

08 Access to consult and various advices

Traveling in the business world will definitely not be lonely because AIS The StartUp is ready to be a support line by your side, ready to provide consultation and advice on all aspects of business such as:

  • Business presentation
  • Business model and Sales structure
  • Customer Service
  • Brand building for business owner, etc.

09 Eligible to participate in activities organized by AIS The StartUp

Build a potential Network to expand more business opportunities through many activities organized by AIS The StartUp.

10 Get special offers from partners

Get special offers from partners to empower your business. Both offers from alumni groups including BeNeat, FIXZY, Flowaccount.com, Future Skills, HAUP, Onechat, and offers from leading AIS The StartUp partners such as AWS, WECOSYSTEM, Fire One One.

Mr. Joh – Rangsan Promprasit, CEO & Co-Founder of QueQ (Thailand) Co.,Ltd., told us that: “This place is more than an accelerator, and to say that it's a family, perhaps it's more than a family. It's not just a place where we come to learn. Or just doing business, but many brothers and sisters, both the team and the founders in this family are there to help, create cooperation, promote, or at least become a place to express your feelings. (This one who does a startup will know that it’s very important, especially the Founder).”Read more: https://bit.ly/3wGe3jx

Mr. Titipong Pisitwuttinan (Big), Co-Founder & CEO of SkillLane, described the feeling of joining the AIS The StartUp family, saying, “ SkillLane has to thank AIS The StartUp for the support in many areas. Whether it's educating and giving opportunities to work with AIS, and most importantly, being in the AIS The StartUp family allows you to meet many friends in the same industry, a very good connection and network and finally, gaining New knowledge from the elders in AIS, which has enabled SkillLane to learn and expand a lot of business.” Read more: https://bit.ly/3yNZywU

There are many factors in running a successful startup business, including ideas and solutions that solve people's daily problems, effective business plans, quality teams, funding, and more.

Therefore, for anyone who has a Startup business and wants to expand and increase opportunities for growth, including needing a companion who can give advice, to help minimize investment risks.Don't miss out! Submit your work to participate in the Monthly Pitching project at http://www.ais.th/thestartup/connect.html